Undergraduate Program

The undergraduate offerings of the 体育菠菜大平台 历史 Department provide a variety of options for students interested in 历史 和 the Social 科学.

学生 graduating from the University of Nebraska at Kearney with a degree administered by the 历史 Department will demonstrate the historical knowledge, skills 和 values associated with an educated citizenry, 包括:

  1. A working knowledge of past events, 人, 的想法, 和 values in the United States 和 in other parts of the world.
  2. An underst和ing of contemporary society from a historical perspective that includes multi-cultural 和 global contexts.
  3. An underst和ing of the historical foundations of democracy, pluralism, 和 tolerance.
  4. The ability to interpret the meaning of historical texts in their social, 政治, 经济, 和 cultural contexts, 和 to synthesize the implications of historical developments within a particular region or culture.
  5. The ability to create historical narratives that integrate change 和 continuity over time, employing current historiography 和 historical methods.
  6. Critical thinking 和 analysis through effective communications skills appropriate to the discipline of history.
  7. An ability to locate, gather, 和 organize a variety of historical information.
  8. Intellectual curiosity 和 a commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.
  9. An awareness 和 appreciation for diverse views 和 contributions to culture 和 society.
  10. An appreciation for the study of history as a means of underst和ing both past 和 contemporary societies.

Degree Options


I.   历史 Option - Bachelor of 艺术 Degree (offered online 和 on-campus)

II.  历史-Social Science Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree

3.  历史 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement Option - Bachelor of 艺术 in 教育 Degree

IV.  Social Science 7-12 Teaching Field Endorsement Option - Bachelor of 艺术 in 教育 Degree


I. 历史 Minor - Available for students pursuing majors in other disciplines. The 历史 minor is available online 和 on-campus.

II. Social Science Minor - Available for Elementary 教育 majors.

3. Public 历史 Minor - Available for students pursuing majors in any discipline.

Courses with the prefixes  和 SOSC are offered by the department.